Fereydoon Rahmani (Ph.D.)
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Director (UPD)
Department of Equity Studies
York University
Atkinson, Room 334
4700 Keele St. Toronto. ON.
Canada M3J 1P3
A Bit About Me
Fereydoon Rahmani is a fulltime faculty, Undergraduate Program Director, and an associate professor of sociology at the Department of Equity Studies of York University in Toronto, Canada. He has been working at diverse universities and international research organizations in Europe, as well as in the Middle East. He has taught in Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s universities like Salahaddin, Duhok, Koya, Lebanese-French University and Jihan University, and worked as Chair of Sociology Department in Duhok University until 2014. Fereydoon Rahmani has done his BA in social research at University of Tehran (1987), MA of sociology at University Vienna (1995), and PhD in sociology and urban development at university of Vienna (1999)
Rahmani’s research explores Critical Human Rights and the Middle East, Social Exclusion, Justice, War, Violence, Ethnicity, Social Policy, and Quality of Life. Social Indicators of Health as well as Social Indicators Systems are finding special attention in his Subjective and Objective Quality of Life assessment. Quantitative and Qualitative research methods, Statistical Analysis, SPSS, sociometric scaling and large data analysis are used extensively in his applied/field research. His early research focus was topics related to social demography, regional planning & urbanization, social movements, peace, and reconciliation. Rahmani coined the term “Rooftop Societies” for Middle Eastern countries, which postulates the existence of extensive socio-cultural and political incongruity. His most recent book titled “Rooftop Societies: The Middle East Paradox” is his latest sociological analysis of the Middle East, which has been translated into Farsi and soon in other languages.
Professor Rahmani is currently working on a book titled “Disappearance of Agency at the Age of War”, while is leading projects on the Quality of Life of refugees and internally displaced communities in Iraq and Syria.
Work Experience
June 2025 - April 2026
July 2024 - May 2025
January 2023 - June 2024
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This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.